
Rates and Options
Either transcription option is billed at $2.25 per audio minute.
Option 1: Verbatim: full and complete, every utterance including umms and uhhs.
Option 2: Clean verbatim: for times when you would prefer a transcript “you know”- and “like”-free. No umms or uhs.

Turnaround considerations
Standard Service: Five business days
Rush Service: Two business days, +$1 / audio minute
Same Day Service: +$1.50 / audio minute

Additional considerations
Background noise and poor audio quality is measured by the amount of inaudibles notated: $0.25 / inaudible after the first five.
Timecode: $0.25 / audio minute. Please submit a low-res video with a visible timecode burn.
Audio transfer from hard media to digital: $0.25 / audio minute
Specific formatting: $0.15 / audio minute
Skype/bad telephone connection: $.10/audio minute
Short file fee: <29 minutes, $5.00 / file

CITI certified
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) was founded in March 2000 to develop a web-based training program in human research subjects protections. It has grown to include several hundred participating institutions from around the world.

HIPAA compliant
Short for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA provides national standards to protect the privacy of personal health information.

Accurate Secretarial LLC is an S-corporation located in Milwaukee WI, 53211.